Who is Little Farm Homestead Academy

Hi! I’m Tris. I run the Little Farm Homestead Account. I am a dedicated stay-at-home mom passionate about creating a life rooted in simplicity and purpose. I homeschool my children, nurturing their curiosity and growth while tailoring education to their needs. Find me in the garden or tending to my chickens when I'm not teaching. I am working towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

I love making things from scratch, from homemade bread to herbal remedies, and embracing the joy of old-fashioned, hands-on living. I am a firm believer in holistic health, passionate about herbal wellness and natural remedies, and eager to learn and share ways to promote well-being for my family and community.

I started my social presence off as an aromatherapy account and blog. I realized though that I wasn’t sharing content that I loved, and that it felt forced (and as if I was parroting other accounts) when I did share aromatherapy things. While I still love and use aromatherapy, we make a lot of our products, it’s not something that I was feeling very happy about when I was sharing. I wanted to branch out and build a page that was relatable and open to my journey.

I homestead, and I homeschool. This takes up a large portion of my daily life. While I have other interests, most of what my family does is related to homesteading and homeschooling. I wanted to be able to share that portion of my life without the labels of aromatherapy and to share what I have learned in my journey as I homestead/homeschool.

You can check out my website and blog for resources on homeschooling as well as homesteading. I will still include those aromatherapy products I have made as well. Find me on various social media platforms as well for our day-to-day lives, products that we love, and just random blurbs of my thoughts.